It’s a growing trend: more and more, business and healthcare management applications live outside of the firewall. Sure, some applications still live in-house, but others have moved to the cloud. Still others were replaced with SaaS options.
In the past, business software focused on function over form. It wasn’t usually pretty, but it got the job done. But, a funny thing happened when mobile apps and cloud-based consumer software became popular. Users realized something: Software doesn’t have to be boring or confusing.
New software has been developed with integration in mind. Software that can be integrated with existing systems via an accessible API and web services can ensure that the value of both the new and existing systems is maximized. Get on board and you are empowered to drive success.
Take a look at these changes as choices that are available—and affordable.
In our dreary past, data integration requests were time-consuming since ETL tools process in batches. Today, the demand for more agility accompanied by a shrinking budget pushes savvy information management and planning teams to search for an alternative.
Now you have the option to point your efforts in a new direction: data virtualization. Rather than copy and move data, the technology allows you to keep the tools your team currently has, abstracts data from multiple sources, and creates a virtual view for the user through a Web portal.
This enables users to quickly query, share, and—most importantly—integrate data, whether it resides in flat files, an Oracle database, or on an SQL Server.
According to Forrester, data virtualization can also be relatively inexpensive compared with traditional data integration methods, such as database consolidation.
Press the pause button for a moment, sit with your data management and analytics thought partner, and decide on which easy-to-use product meets your important criteria. A truly competitive enterprise needs a contemporary, on-call set of analytics that supports big data and everything else and is based on a streaming architecture. This is the era of visual analytics at the speed of thought.
You can bring your data to its highest and best uses, or you can let it languish while you guess and your competitors pass you on the back stretch. And you DO NOT have to bet the farm and the horses to get where you want to go with your data assets. We are a good match to be your analytics thought partner and trusted virtual team that delivers your data to your dashboards.
Reminder: in today’s mobile ecosystem, always secure your portals and data!
Our Austin, Texas location keeps us at the epicenter of planning analytics and data-driven innovation and keeps our global capabilities and services at the forefront of our industry.
Email us at or call us at 512-478-3848 to start a friendly, productive conversation.